Saturday, September 19, 2015

Follow up: That time I went outside my comfort zone and SHIT got done!

Only read this if you read my previous post on the sexist, archaic assignment that was sent home with my 5th grade daughter a few weeks ago.  Well, I guess you can read this even if you didn't read that other one, but it won't make much sense. 

Anyhoo, after I wrote to the principal about my concerns a note was sent home a few days later (on fluorescent orange paper, mind you).

It says: blah blah blah..."respond to confusion" blah blah blah..."will not be awarding points for being dressed up on picture day"...blah blah blah some crap about how "In the past, expecting grade 5 students to be role models has proven extremely successful in motivating the students to be their best not just as a leader of (school name deleted) but in middle school and high school as well and hopefully as they leave for future endeavors after their careers as a (town name deleted) student. (Holy run-on sentence, and what does wearing a dress have to do with being a role model, but I should just shut up and be grateful that the assignment was changed.)  Then there was more stuff that's totally irrelevant to the issue, but was put in to make the gym teacher feel better about her creating and supporting the original assignment.  Great.

Is it the perfect response?  No.  Is it good enough for me?  Sure.  The assignment was horrible in many, many ways and now it doesn't exist anymore.  Mission accomplished.

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